Monday, February 17, 2020

A mix CD with Songs that Inspire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

A mix CD with Songs that Inspire - Essay Example It also received a Golden Satellite Award nomination for â€Å"Best original Song in a Motion Picture†. It was nominated for the 2000 Grammy Award for â€Å"Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals†, losing to â€Å"I Still Have That Other girl† by Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello. One of the features of the song is when Carey and Whitney Houston sing a section of the song in thirds; they have done this and still kept in tune. The lyrics of When You Believe consist of ten stanzas starting with a painful and seemingly hopeless situation gradually evolving into a more favorable one. The persona (who can be practically anyone) can begin to hope and believe in himself, thus enabling him to achieve. The first stanza goes thus: The speaker accepts that the fertile ground for miracles to happen is the presence of hope which is frail, yet hard to obliterate. He firmly states that when one believes, success is just around the corner. There are times in life when prayers remain unanswered and fear on all sides threaten to overwhelm. These are times when hope flies to other climes like summer birds before the onset of winter. But this is just a feeling as shown by the next stanza wherein the speaker wonders why he has not succumbed to failure. His heart overflows with words of gratitude that he never thought he would need to say. Of course, miracles such as these do not always take place when one asks for them. He admits that it is easy to give in to one’s fears. There are times when one cannot think straight because of the pain or see one’s way through the rain. (Rain here is used a s a metaphor meaning a state of suffering). It is then when a small but still resilient voice can be heard, saying that love can provide relief, love is the solution. The lyrics do not say whose voice it is, but the concluding paragraph hints that the voice is God’s voice. Everyone who is alive on this planet goes through difficult times. The song

Monday, February 3, 2020

Kite Runner (Write Hassan's Story) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Kite Runner (Write Hassan's Story) - Essay Example This showed the harassment and troubles that the ethnic minorities faced in Afghanistan at the hands of the pathans. After the incident with Hassan, Amir and Hassan moved apart when Amir put some money under Hassan’s pillow and blamed Hassan for stealing. Hassan took the blame and went away with his father while Amir moved to Pakistan, and eventually to America (Hosseini 295). Ali went with Hassan to a mountainous region which was isolated in central Afghanistan and was inhabited by their ethnic race. Hassan has always been loyal and good-natured. He is rather an innocent child who became a victim of the sexual desires of the rapist who raped him. The story unfolds to the fact that Amir and Hassan have been separated. While Amir is in America living a peaceful life, Hassan spends his whole life and death in Afghanistan in the country which is the focal point of the Soviet invasion and wars, and later the centre of violence of Taliban. Hassan’s father Ali dies due to the violence and Hassan gets married and has a son who is soon sent to orphanage after Hassan and his wife are killed by the Taliban (Hosseini 316). Hassan’s life has been tragic and innocent throughout and he has seen very less of good things just because he was an ethnic minority living in a violent country like Afghanistan. He spent his best time while he was with Amir in his house as they both played kite running and spent a lot of time together. It was after the rape which leads the change in Hassan’s life and shaped Amir’s guilt of not helping him throughout the story. This shows the ugliest picture of the injustice that the ethnic minorities had to face in Afghanistan. After Hassan leaves Amir’s house, he is forced to serve his rapist who belonged to a rich and powerful family. Hassan cannot take any action against his rape and instead has to dutifully serve the rapist just because he